The Beginner's Guide is made by the same man who created "The Stanley Parable," which is his most popular work. The Beginner's Guide is his sequel work to The Stanley Parable (it is not the sequel to the stanley parable) and it is the better of the two, despite being shorter and less popular. However, the game could not exist without the Stanley Parable: in the Beginner's Guide, you, the unnamed player, are led by the narrator, Davey Wreden - the real creator of the Stanley Parable - through the works of a friend of his, Coda, because Coda has stopped creating games and Davey wants him to continue. Thus the story starts: Davey wants to convince you to convince Coda to make games.

If you want to play the game yourself, stop reading here. If you've played it and would like to discuss the game with me, keep reading.
